Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation

The placenta is the organ that surrounds the fetus in the womb and allows for the exchange of nutrients, blood, and waste with the mother. It is expelled from the uterus after the birth of the child. The custom of consuming the placenta, often done as placental encapsulation, is centuries old, practiced most often in Chinese medicine.

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Postpartum Rebozo (Shawl) Binding

Postpartum Rebozo (Shawl) Binding

The Rebozo Closing Wrap  (postpartum binding) is a beautiful and nurturing way to hold the birth mother and reconnect her to the earth, herself and enhance her connection to baby.   This sacred way of bringing closure and honor to the mother,  helps integrate the mothers nervous system as it helps to contain and restore the mothers energy. 

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