Peaceful Warriors’ Path SF Cohort

Peaceful Warriors Men Of Color healing circles have been gathering for 9 years in the Bay Area. This circle was created out of the necessity to create safe spaces that invite men to be vulnerable and practice healthy emotional processing. Every man who steps into these circles is a Peaceful Warrior. It takes courage to prioritize self-care and to take action. Peaceful Warriors recognize that the social and culturally imposed ideas of what a “man” should be come from a toxic, violent, and hyper-masculine oppressive system.

Our circles have been tenderly incubating and gathering through the heart effort of our leadership council. Guided by our ancestors and spirit guides, we have created a path towards healing our individual and collective stories. We believe that this commitment to ourselves and each other keeps us from being another statistic, another person struggling with substance abuse, or another body in the justice system. Instead, we choose to be supported by our brothers and work together to turn our painful stories into medicine.  

The Peaceful Warriors believe that men can heal themselves and reclaim their identity of being a nurturing healthy masculine force for their community. 

We are proud to announce the San Francisco Peaceful Warriors’ Path cohort!

The Peaceful Warriors movement is growing and continuing to gather men in the Bay Area who are ready to prioritize their self-care, open themselves up to vulnerability, receive support, and heal generational traumas. This program is designed to support men in building their peer support skills, emotional intelligence, and processing and invites men to become the best versions of themselves.

Registration: Peaceful Warriors’ Path Request To Enroll Form

What will you learn?

This FREE program, which consists of 12 weekly workshops for San Francisco residents, is made possible by Creative Corps Initiative Funding.  The Peaceful Warriors Path weekly workshops will begin on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 and end on Tuesdy, July 30, 2024, and will meet from 6 pm - 7:30 pm. This program is an exploratory, experiential, and embodied process that will cover trainings and topics that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Creating authentic connections

  • Cultivating self-awareness

  • Identifying harmful emotional patterns

  • Identifying grief and trauma 

  • Practicing active listening

  • Deepening empathy & compassion

  • Creating safe spaces for men to express themselves

  • Principle of circle keeping

  • Deepening your healing practice

  • Connecting to your medicine through drumming, storytelling, plants, or creative expression that are culturally affirming

Who Would Benefit from this Program?

A person who identifies as a Man Of Color and who wants to heal traumatic patterns by learning how to create a safe space for other men to be supported and who…

  • are ready to expand their capacities and skills through a peer learning model.

  • are interested in participating in circle work and peer support model.

  • want to learn how to create safe community spaces.

  • are ready to move past stuck stories and participate in their healing, so that they can break cycles of generational trauma.

  • are ready to understand how to better process their emotions, and support other men to do the same.

  • are being called to step into a leadership role in their family or community.

  • live in San Francisco, CA.

What are people saying? 

“Luis redefined manhood for me through becoming a Peaceful Warrior, A man who can be vulnerable, strong, empathetic, and nonviolent, through practice and learning. Luis has become a Peaceful Warrior I look up to as an elder who holds down a sacred space, a safe man who I can learn from, and a community member I deeply respect and love.” - Drew S.

“Peaceful Warriors has become a space where I look forward to practicing and creating a new brand of masculinity. We get to redefine who we are when we come here. We meet in circle creating a sacred space with the intention of healing what ails us: patriarchy, heteronormativity, and the intersection of -isms.” - Vic A.

Who is facilitating the Peaceful Warrior Path?

Luis Marroquin is a multimedia artist who has been focusing on weaving his lived artistry with community through men’s healing circles. Luis connects to the creative spirit to create spaces of healing for men of color. See his full bio below.

Registration: Peaceful Warriors’ Path Request To Enroll Form

Luis Marroquin

Luis is a founding member of the Peaceful Warriors Men's Healing Circle. He has been facilitating men's circles for 8 years throughout the Bay Area. Luis has also co-facilitated men circles with his mentor and community elder Maestra Teresa Iñiguez-Flores, a curandera based out of San Francisco.

Luis does not consider himself a healer, in the sense that he can heal anyone, as he knows he can only support those who choose to heal themselves. Luis shares his personal healing journey and experiences that are rooted in spirituality to support other men dealing with trauma. He does this by creating a sacred and safe space that allows men to connect to their emotions, identity, and spirit.  He believes that healing is a lifelong process of reclaiming self-identity and is a process that requires patience, courage, support, and a lot of self-love.